The Paediatric Physiotherapy service works with you and your child to maximise their physical skills and independence to allow them to take part in as many day to day activities as possible.

Our service is for children and young people from 0-16 years old (19 years old if in special school).

We help children with a range of conditions. From mild developmental delay, orthopaedic problems through to complex neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy. We also help children who have complex health needs and can help to provide advice to other professionals including schools.

Our aim is to work with children and their caregivers to help children reach their full potential, promoting normal movement and limiting negative changes to the growing body. We aim to help improve children’s quality of life. 

Once a referral has been sent to the team, if you or your child needs to see physiotherapy you will receive an appointment letter.

One of our specialist physiotherapists will assess you/your child and discuss what you/your child needs are.

If physiotherapy is needed, they will discuss the best treatment options with you at this appointment and set goals with you and make a plan that you are happy with.

If you do not need physiotherapy, they will write a letter to the person who referred you explaining this and if needed refer you to the services that is appropriate.


The Team

Children’s physiotherapy is made up of a team of specialist physiotherapists and assistant physiotherapists covering the whole Dudley borough.

All of the team follow the codes of conduct from the CSP (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy) and APCP (Association of Paediatric Physiotherapists). All of the physiotherapists are registered with the Health and Care Professions Counsel.

Our team have all worked in different areas of physiotherapy and bring lots of skills and knowledge.

Working with children, they have more knowledge about the following areas:

  • How children develop
  • How the body changes and grows from birth to adulthood
  • Medical conditions that affect children
  • How medical conditions and disability can impact on children taking part in day to day activities
  • They are able to recognise differences from normal development
  • Provide advice and/or treatment on your/ your child’s difficulties.
  • Provide exercises, equipment and advice to help you/ your child to do the best they can.
  • Provide information to other professionals who may help you/ your child achieve their/your goals.

We make sure we work with you/your child to make goals that are the best for you/ your child.

Referrals can be made by any of the following health care professionals:

  • Doctors/ General Practitioners
  • Health Visitors
  • Consultant Paediatricians
  • Orthopaedic consultants
  • Therapists

Self-referrals are not accepted.

Referrals must be in writing and be discussed and agreed with the child/family. They can be posted or emailed to the Paediatric Physiotherapy Department at the Sunflower Centre.

You can access the referral form here:

Paediatric Physiotherapy

The Sunflower Centre

John Corbett Drive



Tel: 01384 361243


Want to know more about our service? How would you like to be updated with all the lastest news and updates from the team? Please take a few minutes to let us know in our paitient engagement survey!

You can access the survey here:

You can also keep up to date by following us on our social media channels:

Twitter: @BlackCountryNHS

Facebook: Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Instagram: @blackcountrynhs