A carer is anyone, including children and adults who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid. (NHS England)

Carers, family and friends play a vital role in supporting their loved ones, which in turn supports the NHS.

At The Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, we recognise the unquestionable value carers bring; but we also recognise that being a carer can at times be difficult, lonely and underappreciated.

This page contains resources and advice to help you manage in your caring role.

For any further information please contact the Patient Experience and Involvement team on bchft.getinvolved@nhs.net

Anyone who provides unpaid regular and substantial care is has the legal right to receive a carers assessment. This is an assessment of their own well being and how caring has affected them.  

A carers assessment will look at: 

  • Your needs for support 
  • The practical and emotional sustainability of your caring role 
  • Your willingness and ability to continue to provide support 

It must also look at: 

  • The impact of your support needs on your own health and well-being 
  • Caring responsibilities you may have for a child or children or any other person you may provide care for 
  • Ability to work, access education or training, or engage in recreational activities 
  • What you would like to achieve in your daily life 
  • If support could help you achieve these outcomes 
  • Whether your support network and the wider community can contribute towards meeting the outcomes you want to achieve 
  • Whether you or the person you are caring for would benefit from preventative support or information and advice 

You are entitled to an assessment of your needs as a carer, even when the person you support refuses to use the services they need. 

It is the Duty of the Local Authority to carry out a carers assessment, you can find the contact details below.

Dudley –

Website: https://www.dudley.gov.uk/residents/care-and-health/adult-health-social-care/do-you-look-after-someone/support-for-carers-dudley-carers-hub/ 

Telephone: 01384 818723  

Email: dudleycarershub@dudley.gov.uk 



Website: https://www.sandwell.gov.uk/carers/carers-assessment 

Telephone: 0121 569 2266 

Email: sandwell_enquiry@sandwell.gov.uk 



Website: https://go.walsall.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/carers/carers-assessments 

Email: InitialIntake@walsall.gov.uk 

Telephone: 0300 555 2922 



Website: https://www.wolverhampton.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/adult-social-care/carer-support 

Email: carer.support@wolverhampton.gov.uk 

Telephone: 01902 553409 


The assessment will consider whether or not your caring role impacts on your health or prevents you from achieving outcomes, for example staying in work or having a social life, and what could be done to help you combine these things with caring. It should cover:

  • your caring role and how it affects your life and wellbeing your health
  • physical, mental and emotional issues
  • your feelings and choices about caring
  • Work, study, training and leisure relationships
  •  Social activities and your goals
  • housing
  • planning for emergencies

You should be asked about these issues; if not, you can raise them yourself. The aim of the assessment is to help you get the support that you need. So it’s best to give your honest opinion about your caring role, the care you provide and your feelings about being a carer.

As a carer you might be the only consistent form of support the person you care for has. You may well be there when crisis occurs, when the person you care for is well and when that person needs help with day to day activities. You are also likely to understand their needs and condition extremely well, this can make you a vital partner in their care.  

The Triangle of Care is an initiative that aims to improve support and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring, and sets out six principles Mental Health Trusts can use to include and support carers. These are: 

1) Carers and the essential role they play are identified at first contact or as soon as possible thereafter.  

2) Staff are ‘carer aware’ and trained in carer engagement strategies.  

3) Policy and practice protocols regarding confidentiality and sharing information, are in place. 

4) Defined post(s) responsible for carers are in place.  

5) A carer introduction to the service and staff is available, with a relevant range of information across the care pathway.  

6) A range of carer support services is available. 

Black Country Healthcare has joined the Triangle of Care initiative so we can provide an improved support service to carers. If you have any questions regarding the Triangle of Care please contact bchft.getinvolved@nhs.net.   

There is a vast array of information, guides and support groups available for carers. To help you navigate your way through this useful information has been collated below.


Carers UK advice line

Phone: 0808 808 7777 

Website: www.carersuk.org

They provide information and advice on caring, help carers connect with each other, campaign with carers for lasting change, and use innovation to improve services. 


Carers Trust

Phone: 0300 772 9600 Email: info@carers.org

Website: http://www.carers.org/

Young carers link: www.matter.carers.org/

They provide a wealth of information online to help unpaid carers access the support they need.

Locally, network of partners support carers throughout the UK, giving them access to help, advice and breaks from caring.



Phone: 0300 123 3393

Email: info@mind.org.uk

Website: https://www.mind.org.uk/

Provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.


 Citizens Advice

Phone: 0300 3309 044 

Website: www.citizensadvice.org.uk.


We can all face problems that seem complicated or intimidating. Citizens Advice  believe no one should have to face these problems without good quality, independent advice. 


That’s why Citizens advice are here: to give people the knowledge and the confidence they need to find their way forward - whoever they are, and whatever their problem.


DWP Benefits - Information about benefits

Phone: 0800 169 0310

Website: www.gov.uk/browse/benefits


Ideal for All

Phone: 0121 558 555

Email: info@idealforall.co.uk

Website: https://www.idealforall.co.uk/

To empower and enable disabled and disadvantaged people and their families, carers, support workers and local communities, regardless of age, or background to fulfil their potential as active citizens and fully participate in society and the neighbourhoods in which they live. 


Kaleidescope Plus

Phone: 0121 565 5605

Website: https://www.kaleidoscopeplus.org.uk/

Service providing

* 24-hour text crisis support
* Talk2Us – providing support for those who need someone to talk to
* Suicide Prevention Services
* Bereavement Support
* Counselling in the Community
* Mental Health Services for Children
* Community Support


TIDE - Together in Dementia everyday


Phone: 0151 237 2669

Email: carers@tidecarers.org.uk

Website: https://www.tide.uk.net/



Offers a range of online support groups:


· Carer's Chat and Change Groups -Informal get-togethers to meet and chat with other unpaid carers


· Inform and Influence Groups -Meet and discuss with people who share similar experiences to you


· Carer Development Programme -You can learn the skills and confidence to stand up for your rights



Dementia Connect – Alzheimer’s UK

Phone: 0330 150 3456, Mon – Wed (9am – 8pm) Thu – Fri(9am – 5pm) Sat – Sun (10am – 4pm)

Website: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/dementia-connect-support-line

A personalised free support and advice service for people with dementia, their carers, families and friends. Alzheimer’s Society’s dementia advisers will listen, help with all your dementia-related questions, and connect you to the support you need. This includes help in your area, as well as phone and online advice and information.


Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline

Phone: 0800 888 6678, Mon – Fri (9am – 9pm) Sat – Sun (9am – 5pm)

Email: helpline@dementia.uk.org

Website: https://www.dementiauk.org/get-support/dementia-helpline-alzheimers-helpline/

For people with a diagnosis of dementia and families caring for someone with dementia, whether that be Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, or another type of dementia.. We’re here for anyone who needs one-to-one support and practical solutions.


Beat Eating Disorders

Phone: 0808 801 0677

Email: help@beateatingdisorders.org.uk

Website: https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/get-information-and-support/services/carers/

Eating disorders affect not only the person who’s ill, but those around them too. If you’re supporting someone with an eating disorder, Beat carer services have been designed with you in mind.

Whether you need 1-2-1 emotional support, want to connect with others or to learn new skills, Beat have a range of support services to help.


No Panic

Helpline Number 0300 772 9844

Youth Line: 0330 606 1174

24hr Crisis line: 01952 680835

Website: https://nopanic.org.uk

No Panic specialises in self-help recovery and our services include providing people with the skills they need to manage their condition and work towards  recovery, enabling them to lead more fulfilled lives.



Text: 07888 868 059 Email: sidekick@actionforchildren.org.uk

Website: https://sidekick.actionforchildren.org.uk/

Sidekick is a confidential helpline for young carers in the UK. You can message any time, about anything that's bothering you as a young carer and will receive a response within 24 hours.

The Mix

Phone: 0808 808 4994

Crisis text line: Text THEMIX to 85258 available 24/7

Website: https://www.themix.org.uk/

Provides support for young people aged 25 and under on things such as mental health, relationships and money.


 Young Minds

Website: https://youngminds.org.uk

Offers practical tips and advice for young people, as well as information on   getting support.


Young Minds- Parents helpline

Phone: 0808 802 5544

Parents Helpline for detailed advice, emotional support and signposting about a child or young person up to the age of 25.


Children's Society

Website: https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/information/young-people/young-carers

A website with advice and resources for young carers, which can help you    understand your rights as a young carer, introduce you to other young carers, and advise you on different ways into education and employment.


Scope - Navigate (Emotional Support for Parents/Carers of a disabled child)

Phone: 0808 801 0510

Email: navigate@scope.org.uk

Website: https://www.scope.org.uk/family-services/navigate

Provides practical information and emotional support when it's most needed

They can support you with -

· benefits

· finance

· social care

· employment

· equipment and assistive technology

· housing and home adaptations

There is a vast array of information, guides and support groups available for carers. To help you navigate your way through this useful information has been collated below for the Dudley Borough.

View the Carers Resources Dudley leaflet here. 

Dudley Community Information Directory

Website: https://dudleyci.co.uk/

Dudley CI an online directory where you can find all the information and advice you need about Dudley, from events and business information to healthcare services in and around the Dudley area.

Dudley Carers Hub & Wellbeing Service

Phone:  01384 818723 Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm (message service available)

Email: dudleycarershub@dudley.gov.uk

Website: https://www.dudleycarershub.co.uk/home-1

Free impartial advice, information and support for unpaid carers living in the Dudley borough.


Access to Adult Social Care (Social Services)

Phone: 0300 555 0055 (Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm) or 0300 555 8574 outside of these hours.

Email: accessteam@dudley.gov.uk

Website: https://www.dudley.gov.uk/residents/care-and-health/adult-health-social-care/

Access to Adult Social Care provides free comprehensive advice and            information on services for all care and support needs. The team will be able to advise you on a range of social and community services, including a range of prevention services that can support you to be safe and independent at home.


Children Access Team (Social Services)

Phone: 0300 555 0050 (Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm) or 0300 555 8574 outside of these hours.

Email: accessteam@dudley.gov.uk

Website: https://www.dudley.gov.uk/resident/care-health/children-and-family-care/services-for-children-and-families/

Here to offer services and support to some of the most vulnerable children and young people in our community. These include children in care, children with disabilities, and victims of abuse. They are also support their families and      carers, as well as young people who are themselves caring for someone else, such as a parent, a brother or sister or a grandparent.


Dudley Young Carers Service (5 – 18 years)

Phone: 01384 886429

Email: info@crossroads-caringforcarers.org

Website: https://www.crossroads-caringforcarers.org/dudley-carers-wellbeing-hub/dudley-young-carers/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DudleyYoungCarers/


Dudley Young Carers service can support by offering:

· Free, confidential, one-to-one support with a dedicated worker

· Information and advice

· Regular Youth Clubs

· Signposting and referral to other agencies who can offer support

· Training sessions and workshops

· Emotional support through counselling

· Support with the cost-of-living crisis

· School support and help with transitions to college/university or employment

· Opportunity to take part in school holiday activities, day trips out, make friends and have some fun!


Bushey Fields Carer support group

This informal support group is for those currently caring for a loved one staying as an inpatient at Bushey Fields Hospital.

Come along to the support group the first Friday of every month, 4 pm – 6 pm, in the Activity Room, Birch Therapy HUB, Henry Lautch Centre, Bushey Fields      Hospital, Dudley.

Please call Birch Therapy HUB on 01384 324 602 to register your interest.




Dementia Gateway Service

Phone: 0300 555 0055

The dementia gateway service is a befriending / support provision across    Dudley for people with a diagnosis of dementia and their families. This service is particularly appropriate where the person you care for may not need support but the carer is having difficulty coping with the situation and its implications.


Dudley Dementia Advisor Service—DMBC

Phone:  01384 816039

Email: demgate.services@dudley.gov.uk

Website: https://www.dudley.gov.uk/residents/care-and-health/adult-health-social-care/support-to-stay-independent/dementia-gateways/

Dementia Advisors aim to support people living with dementia and their Carers, Families and Friends who may provide the person with care and support. They work across the Dudley Borough and provide expert information and advice about how to live well with Dementia. They can signpost and connect people diagnosed with Dementia and their carers to a range of services suited to      individual needs and requirements. 


Dudley Crossroads

Phone: 01384 298513

Email office.dudleycrossroads@gmail.com

Website: www.dudleycrossroads.co.uk

A free service to support anyone caring for an adult with a physical disability or sensory impairment. By providing a trained carer support worker we enable the informal carer to take a complete break from their responsibilities for a short time. We also provide a not-for-profit support service for the elderly, in their own homes (shopping, light housework, meal preparation and social activities).



Dudley Disability Service

Website: https://www.dudley.gov.uk/residents/care-and-health/dudley-disability-service/

All age disability service, providing joined-up support to people, from birth to old age. The aim of the service is to support children, young people and adults with special educational needs, learning or physical disabilities, or autism living in Dudley Borough.


Pleased To Meet You

Phone: 01384 812761, Mon – Fri (9am – 4pm)

Email: communitySupportServ@dudley.gov.uk

Practical help and advice to anyone feeling alone, or isolated, or who is struggling to manage at home with daily life. We may be able to help with everyday tasks like shopping or managing a home, or we might help someone get out again with confidence, seeing people.


Headway Black Country Carer support group

Phone: 01384 869961

Email: admin@headwayblackcountry.co.uk

Website: https://www.headwayblackcountry.co.uk/our-services/families-and-carers/

The family and carers of someone who has a brain injury are almost certainly likely to be affected by the changes in their partner, father, mother, child or friend.

That is why at Headway Black Country we aim to provide support and           information for adults over 18 years with an acquired brain injury, their families and/or carers too.


We love carers

Website: https://www.welovecarers.org/

An independent charity run by carers for carers. Our aims are to provide       information, guidance and support for all the carers of both adults and children with a vast array of disabilities.



Website: https://www.mobiliseonline.co.uk/dudley

Online support for carers in Dudley. We work with Dudley Council to provide a range of free online services to support you.


Me, Myself and I

Phone: 07717 700732

A social group run by families and carers of people with dementia. It is intended for both people diagnosed with the condition, as well as their families and      carers. The group meets each month and offers social activities, outings and trips, as well as regular talks by guest speakers. A warm and friendly group, newcomers are always welcome.


Dudley Carers Alliance

Phone: 01384 818723, Email: carers.network@dudley.gov.uk

Website: https://www.dudleycarersalliance.org.uk/


A partnership of carers and organisations who support carers who meet        regularly to share experiences, discuss issues and challenges carers face,    enabling their voices to be heard and influence change and service design




Autism West Midlands (Family and group support)

Phone: Reception - 0121 450 7582 Helpline - 0121 450 7575

Website: http://www.autismwestmidlands.org.uk/

Provides a free autism information helpline offering a first point of contact for families and individuals in crisis. Advice and support sessions families and carers of children on the autistic spectrum. Also offers training to parents, professionals and individuals



Caribbean And Friends Association - African Caribbean Befriending Service Dudley

Phone: 01384 868085, Email: dacbs@btconnect.com

The African Caribbean (A.C.) Befriending Service project provides community care services to older people age 55+ living in the Local Authority area of     Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council. These include Day Centre provisions, a community meals service and an outreach, support and befriending service.


Halesowen Asian Elderly Association

Phone: 0121 559 0137

Offers day care and carer support for older Asian people, on Mondays,       Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10.30am and 12.30pm, including multi-faith functions and activities to bring the community together. We provide suitable facilities to accommodate older, disabled members of the community. Activities include health information and social care, gentle exercise, and outings.

There is a vast array of information, guides and support groups available for carers. To help you navigate your way through this useful information has been collated below for the Sandwell Borough.

View the Carers Resources Sandwell leaflet here. 

Sandwell Voluntary and Community Service Directory

Website: https://sandwellvcs.info/

This online directory provides free and public signposting to many local organisations and the services they offer. It currently lists over 1000 voluntary sector organisations


Sandwell Carers Service

Phone: 0121 612 6000

Sandwell Carers Service was commissioned in Sandwell to provide Carer support to family and friends (carers) to trust patients who are open to

· Adult (not organic i.e. dementia)

· LD



Sandwell Carers Service offer

· Assessment with resultant care plan

· Psychoeducation about the illness and treatments

· Information and resources/sign post to other services for example housing and welfare rights

· Advocacy—support carers on ward rounds, at outpatients and other              appointments.


The member of staff that carries out your assessment will become your allocated keyworker. together you will agree a care plan. This is a time based service, you will be offered up to 12 sessions. After the 12 sessions you will be still able to access -

- Peer support groups throughout the 6 towns of Sandwell
- Invitation to attend an established carers forum (bi-monthly)
- You can be put on a mailing list to receive a monthly carers newsletter

Sandwell Social Services (Adults)

Phone: 0121 569 2266, Emergency number :0121 569 2355

Email: sandwell_enquiry@sandwell.gov.uk.

Website: https://www.sandwell.gov.uk/adult-social-care

Sandwell Social services can help if you are looking after an older relative or an adult with a disability or mental health problem and need some support so you can continue doing so. They can carry out a carers assessment as you may be eligible for support, such as a direct payment to spend on the things that make caring easier; or practical support, like arranging for someone to step in when you need a short break. Or you may prefer to be put in touch with local support groups so you have people to talk to.


Sandwell Children's Trust (Child Social Services)

Phone: 0121 569 3100

Website: https://www.sandwellchildrenstrust.org/

Sandwell Children's Trust provides social care for Children and young people and offers:

· Statutory assessments and care planning (also for parents)

· Services for looked-after children

· Services for young people leaving care

· Occupational Therapy Assessments (Under 18)

· Short breaks


Sandwell Young carers (Age 5 to 18)

Phone: 0121 5257667 or 0121 5258002

Email: support@sandwellyc.org.uk

Website: https://sandwellyc.com/

Sandwell Young Carers provides guidance and support to children and young people (aged 5-18) whose health, education and social lives have been affected as a result of caring for a dependent family member.


Sandwell Parents for Disabled Children

Phone: 0121 565 2410

Website: https://www.sp-dc.org/

Sandwell Parents for Disabled Children (SPDC) seeks to ensure that all        disabled children, young people and their families shall have access to a range of positive play and leisure opportunities enabling them to be safe, healthy and happy and that focus on enjoyment and achievement.

SPDC provide short sessions such as advice & well-being sessions, social events, pamper treatments and craft activities for parents/carers.  They also  offer individualised support to help with any challenges you may have in your caring role or life in general. 


Autism West Midlands (Family and group support)

Phone: Reception - 0121 450 7582 Helpline - 0121 450 7575

Website: http://www.autismwestmidlands.org.uk/

Provides a free autism information helpline offering a first point of contact for families and individuals in crisis. Advice and support sessions families and    carers of children on the autistic spectrum. Also offers training to parents,      professionals and individuals


Disability Resource Centre

Phone: 0303 040 2040 (select option 1 for the switchboard and option 2 for   information, advice and advocacy helpline)

Email : drc@disability.co.uk

Website: https://www.disability.co.uk/

The Disability Resource Centre (DRC) is a charity run by disabled people, for disabled people. Working across the West Midlands and South Staffordshire, they offer a variety of services to help improve the lives of disabled people;   including those with physical disability, learning disability, sensory impairment, long-term health conditions and mental ill-health.

· Services include -

· Information, Advice, and Advocacy

· Personal and Life Skills Development

· Health and Wellbeing Activities

· Social and Leisure Activities

· Employment, Training and Volunteering Opportunities

· Services for Carers

· Energy Efficiency and Debt Advice


BUDS – Better understanding of Dementia for Sandwell

Phone: 0121 565 3721

Email: info@buds.co.uk

Website: https://www.buds.co.uk/

BUDS offers:

Carer and Family Support

Providing information and advice about dementia and issues that affect carers, assistance with accessing other organisations and support in the community or just a listening ear. This support can be provided in your home, at a place in the community or via the telephone. 

Carer groups, activity sessions and coffee mornings giving you the opportunity to socialise and take a break from your caring role.

BUDS also offers activity sessions for people living with Dementia, giving them the opportunity to socialise, receive support, and take part in a variety of       creative and stimulating activities


Headway Black Country Carer support group

Phone: 01384 869961

Email: admin@headwayblackcountry.co.uk

Website: https://www.headwayblackcountry.co.uk/our-services/families-and-carers/

The family and carers of someone who has a brain injury are almost certainly likely to be affected by the changes in their partner, father, mother, child or friend.

That is why at Headway Black Country we aim to provide support and           information for adults over 18 years with an acquired brain injury, their families and/or carers too.


West Bromwich African Caribbean Resource Centre

Phone: 0121 525 9177

Website: www.wbacrc.org.uk

West Bromwich African Caribbean Resource Centre aims to make a positive impact on the quality of life for local people, by delivering culturally appropriate services that are efficient and effective in meeting the changing needs of our diverse community.

And to directly deliver quality services within a range of key areas that improve life opportunities including care of vulnerable people, education, health and wellbeing, training and creating voluntary and paid employment opportunities



Sandwell Asian Family Support Service (SAFS)

Phone: 0121 558 2198 Email: info@safscare.org

Website: https://www.safscare.org/

Care and support services for South Asian children, young people and adults who have a disability, life limiting or life threatening condition.


There is a vast array of information, guides and support groups available for carers. To help you navigate your way through this useful information has been collated below for the Walsall Borough.

View the Carers Resources Walsall leaflet here. 

Walsall Wellbeing Directory

Website: https://go.walsall.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/walsall-wellbeing-directory

Walsall Wellbeing living directory is a searchable online directory that provides a wide range of information on services in Walsall including things to do, health and wellbeing, support for carers and money matters.


 Walsall Social Services

Phone: 03005552922

Email: InitialIntake@walsall.gov.uk

Website: https://go.walsall.gov.uk/health-and-social-care

Social Services can offer support in an array of ways including:

· Carers assessments

· Training for carers

· Breaks from you carer role

· Advice and help on how to access care and support

· Advice on welfare benefits, and helping you with managing your money

· Exploring preventative services and ‘targeted interventions’ with you


Walsall Young Carers

Phone: 07506092870

Email: YoungCarersEarlyHelp@walsall.gov.uk

Website: https://go.walsall.gov.uk/children-and-young-people/early-help/early-help-children-and-young-people/young-carers

Young carers are children and young people aged 8 to 18 who help care for someone in their family because of a mental health illness, physical illness or disability or because of drugs and alcohol issues.

Walsall Young Carers will complete a Young Carers Assessment, and following the completion of the assessment, we will offer you

· An opportunity to join the young carers group where you can have fun through activities, meet other young carers and have days out

· The Young Carers ID card

· Someone who is there to listen to you if you want to talk (Young Carers Champion)

· A leisure pass to access council leisure services

· Support for you and your family in meetings with other services and your school to make sure your views are heard, if needed


Walsall Special Educational Needs and Disabilities               Information and Advice Support (SENDIAS)

Phone: 01922 612008

Email: Walsallsendiass@family-action.org.uk

Website: https://www.family-action.org.uk/what-we-do/children-families/walsall-sendiass

SENDIAS provides free and impartial support to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and their parents and     carers.

The Information, advice and support they provide for children and young people with SEND and their parents/carers is impartial, free to access, accurate,       confidential, comprehensive and easy to understand.


Sanctuary Community Mental Health Service

Phone:01922 494479

Email: enablement@rethink.org

Website: https://www.rethink.org/help-in-your-area/services/community-support/sanctuary-community-mental-health-service-walsall/

The Sanctuary Community Mental Health Service, provides goal based support for people aged 17+ in Walsall to manage their mental health.

They offer

  • One-to-One targeted support
  • Safe Space Sessions
  • Coffee & Cope Groups
  • Perinatal Support
  • Signposting Information
  • Peer Support Groups
  • Tailored Workshops
  • Volunteering/Peer Support Opportunities.


Walsall Carers HUB

Phone: 01922 616 798

Email: info@walsallcarershub.org.uk

Website: https://walsallcarershub.org.uk/

Walsall Carers HUB offers a wide range of support and services to unpaid    carers in Walsall. They also offer a wide range of Carer events and activities across Walsall providing opportunities for you to meet with other Carers and have some time and space just for you.


Autism West Midlands (Family and group support)

Phone: Reception - 0121 450 7582 Helpline - 0121 450 7575

Website: http://www.autismwestmidlands.org.uk/

Provides a free autism information helpline offering a first point of contact for families and individuals in crisis. Advice and support sessions families and    carers of children on the autistic spectrum. Also offers training to parents,      professionals and individuals  

Headway Black Country Carer support group

Phone: 01384 869961

Email: admin@headwayblackcountry.co.uk

Website: https://www.headwayblackcountry.co.uk/our-services/families-and-carers/

The family and carers of someone who has a brain injury are almost certainly likely to be affected by the changes in their partner, father, mother, child or friend.

That is why at Headway Black Country we aim to provide support and           information for adults over 18 years with an acquired brain injury, their families and/or carers too.


Asian Women’s Support Group and Asian Men's Support Group (Two separate groups)

Phone: 01922 610810

Email: contact@walsallcarers.org

A chance for carers with similar circumstances to get together and either have some free time away from their caring role or alternatively, use the experience of others in a similar situation to talk and resolve problems and difficulties.


These usually meet once or twice a month for 2 hours at The Crossing at St Paul


Walsall Black Sisters Collective (WBSC)

Phone: 01922 616996

Website: https://www.walsallbsc.co.uk/contact/

Provides community activities to empower and develop deprived BME          communities from various ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds in Walsall;        addressing inequality and bringing long-lasting change to encourage community cohesion, cultural respect and a diverse community we can all be proud of.

Their main projects are:

•Tree of Life Elderly Day Care

•Heart to Heart Mental Health Group


•Befriending & Ring Around Service

•After School Club

•Women Empowerment Workshop

•COVID-19 Survival Project


Disability Resource Centre

Phone: 0303 040 2040 (select option 1 for the switchboard and option 2 for   information, advice and advocacy helpline)

Email : drc@disability.co.uk

Website: https://www.disability.co.uk/

The Disability Resource Centre (DRC) is a charity run by disabled people, for disabled people. Working across the West Midlands and South Staffordshire, they offer a variety of services to help improve the lives of disabled people;   including those with physical disability, learning disability, sensory impairment, long-term health conditions and mental ill-health.

· Services include -

· Information, Advice, and Advocacy

· Personal and Life Skills Development

· Health and Wellbeing Activities

· Social and Leisure Activities

· Employment, Training and Volunteering Opportunities

· Services for Carers

· Energy Efficiency and Debt Advice

There is a vast array of information, guides and support groups available for carers. To help you navigate your way through this useful information has been collated below for the Wolverhampton Borough.

View the Carers Resources Wolverhampton leaflet here. 

Carer support – Wolverhampton Council

Phone:01902 553409 

Email: carer.support@wolverhampton.gov.uk

Website: https://www.wolverhampton.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/adult-social-care/carer-support

The Carer Support Team offers a range of support for carers of all ages living in Wolverhampton; they can support you in your caring role by offering the following:

· Practical information, advice and guidance

· Carer's Assessment

· Benefits advice

· Signposting

· Emotional support

· Carers Emergency Card

· Carer training

· Carers Group at Wednesfield Library

· Information about Breaks for Carers

· Short break caravans


Disabled Children & Young People's Team

Phone: 01902 555392

Email: WST@wolverhampton.gov.uk

Website: https://www.wolverhamptonsafeguarding.org.uk/

The Disabled Children and Young Person's team will support children or young people from birth up to 25 years of age who have a diagnosed disability and the primary need of the child or young person relates to their disability. In doing so the team will also consider what support is required to the individual's parents, carers and any other    children within the household, taking a whole family approach informed by a social work assessment


Headway Black Country - Carer Support Group for people with a brain injury

Phone:01384 869961

Email: admin@headwayblackcountry.co.uk

Website: https://www.headwayblackcountry.co.uk/our-services/families-and-carers/

Headway Black Country provides support and information for adults over 18 years with an acquired brain injury, their families and/or carers.

They also run a coffee morning on the first Wednesday of every month between 12.00-14.00 pm.


Voice4Parents - Wolverhampton's Parent Carer Forum

Phone: 07852 506135 Email: admin@voice4parents.co.uk

Website: https://www.voice4parents-wolves.co.uk/

Voice4Parents is a group of parents and carers, living in Wolverhampton, whose children and young people have a range of special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

They meet regularly with key SEND leads from the local authority and health care providers and share common views and experiences, working together to make positive changes to services that children and young people aged 0-25 and their families receive.


Give us a break (Age 2 – 25)

Email: guabactivities@gmail.com

Website: http://guab.uk/

Give Us A Break is a volunteer run charity based in Wolverhampton, providing accessible activities for children and young people with complex disabilities and their families/carers to enjoy together. It was established in Wolverhampton to allow children with special needs to have access to activities that are             appropriate to their needs and interests


Wolverhampton Carers Club

Phone: 01902 426987


Wolverhampton Carers Club have been set up for more than 15 years. The group aims to provide emotional support to any individual or family who are in need of help.  They also host regular monthly coffee mornings as well as social activities e.g. trips and group meals, and provide helpful information and advice. to support all carers with their roles.


Autism West Midlands (Family and group support)

Phone: Reception - 0121 450 7582 Helpline - 0121 450 7575

Website: http://www.autismwestmidlands.org.uk/

Provides a free autism information helpline offering a first point of contact for families and individuals in crisis. Advice and support sessions families and    carers of children on the autistic spectrum. Also offers training to parents,      professionals and individuals


Wolverhampton Information Network

Website: https://win.wolverhampton.gov.uk/kb5/wolverhampton/directory/home.page

Wolverhampton Information Network is a searchable online directory and provides a wide range of information on services in Wolverhampton including things         to do, health and wellbeing, support for carers and money matters.


The QR code will take you directly to the website


Dementia Navigator Service – Wolverhampton

Phone: 0121 521 3020  or 0333 150 3456

Email: blackcountrydementiasupport@alzheimers.org.uk

Website: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/

Wolverhampton Dementia Navigator Service provides information, signposting and emotional support to people with dementia, living in their own homes in Wolverhampton, and their family carers. 

The service is available for people with dementia living at home in                Wolverhampton and their family carers.



Memory Matters

Phone: 01902 553445

Email: community.support@wolverhampton.gov.uk

Website: https://win.wolverhampton.gov.uk/kb5/wolverhampton/directory/service.page?id=rvf1TiuW6jc


Memory Matters offers support  and guidance to people who are concerned about their memory. It is also aimed at relatives or friends that have concerns about someone, and want to find out more information about the support      available.

Our telephone support is easily accessible and trained professionals are on hand to signpost and offer advice and information.

The team can offer guidance and support about the following;

· Initial contact with GP and the importance of early diagnosis

· Improving the home environment

· Encouraging an active mind/hobbies

· Stimulating active social life through support groups in the community

· Healthy diet and nutrition

· Telecare equipment/Assistive technology solutions to remain independent for as long as possible

· Support for Carers

· Information & Signposting to relevant organisations

 Sensory Inclusion Service (SIS) Vision and Hearing Teams (ages 0 – 19)


Website: https://www.wolverhampton.gov.uk/education-and-schools/sensory-inclusion-service


Phone: 01902 555910



The Sensory Inclusion Service will always put children and young people with sensory impairments at the heart of everything we do. They strive to minimise barriers to learning and achievement for children and young people with sensory impairments and aim to enable them to develop and use the skills they need for life in and beyond education.

They do this by :assessing their needs

· listening to their aspirations

· teaching and facilitating them

· supporting and working closely with them and their families

· working collaboratively with their teachers and support staff


The Sensory Inclusion Service (SIS) works in Wolverhampton with:

· children and young people from 0 to 19 (to 25 adults - under some          circumstances, please contact to discuss) with a medically diagnosed hearing or a visual impairment

· their families and carers

· their schools or early years settings


Ernest Bold - Adult Short Break Service (LD)

Phone: 01902 553369


Ernest Bold is a regulated service providing overnight short breaks for adults with a learning disability.

People connected to the service must be: 

· Aged 17 years and over

· Assessed and eligible to require care and/or support (Care Act 2014)

· Have a diagnosed Learning Disability and / or has a diagnosed Autism Spectrum

· Living in Wolverhampton with a person who meets the definition of a carer



Disability Resource Centre

Phone: 0303 040 2040 (select option 1 for the switchboard and option 2 for   information, advice and advocacy helpline)

Email : drc@disability.co.uk

Website: https://www.disability.co.uk/

The Disability Resource Centre (DRC) is a charity run by disabled people, for disabled people. Working across the West Midlands and South Staffordshire, they offer a variety of services to help improve the lives of disabled people;   including those with physical disability, learning disability, sensory impairment, long-term health conditions and mental ill-health.

· Services include -

· Information, Advice, and Advocacy

· Personal and Life Skills Development

· Health and Wellbeing Activities

· Social and Leisure Activities

· Employment, Training and Volunteering Opportunities

· Services for Carers

· Energy Efficiency and Debt Advice