We provide Adult ADHD & Autism Services (AAAS) consisting of diagnostic assessment for Autism and ADHD, we also offer ongoing management for ADHD if you have previously been diagnosed by the NHS.

If during your assessment other needs are identified we will direct you to the appropriate services for support.


ADHD is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition, the core symptoms can include issues with concentration, excess energy and acting or speaking impulsively.

We provide assessment and diagnosis of ADHD with ongoing management of those with an NHS diagnosis. We will recommend treatment plans and offer reviews for optimising the symptom management. We operate in concordance with NICE guidelines and licensed BNF treatments.

Your diagnostic process will start with an Initial Assessment appointment with one of our trained nurses, followed by a diagnostic assessment with suitably qualified staff. Should you have been diagnosed by another organisation, your second appointment with us will be to confirm your diagnosis.

It will be helpful at your appointments if you have:

  • Someone who knows you well and can offer support
  • School reports, or other supportive documentation

Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC)

Though ASC is a spectrum condition featuring issues with social interaction, social communication and restricted/repetitive interests and/or behaviours, along with some sensory sensitivity will have been present since childhood and ASC is a lifelong condition.

Your diagnostic process will start with an Initial Assessment appointment with one of our trained nurses, followed by a diagnostic assessment with suitably qualified staff.

It would be helpful if you brought to your appointment with you:

  • Someone who knows you well and can offer support
  • School reports, or other relevant documentation

Must be via a GP including:

  • Our referral form
  • Self-assessment completed by the patient (AQ50/ASRS)
  • Supporting information from other services encouraged if exists

Email the above to aaa.referrals@nhs.net (non-GP emails to this address will not be actioned)

Support with referrals/queries can be sought via aaa.gpsupport@nhs.net (non-GP emails to this address will not be actioned)

Exclusion criteria or urgent care information can be found at the foot of our referral form, please note that we are not able to offer support for conditions other than ADHD and Autism.

Telephone: 01384 325 055

Email: aaa.enquiries@nhs.net

Contact us form:
