Voting for Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust's 2023 governor elections closed on Friday 11 August and the results are in. The Trust is pleased to welcome twelve new public governors and four staff governors to the Assembly of Governors. 

Over the next three years, the newly elected candidates will work with existing governors to continue to help shape the future of the Trust's services and ensure that the voices of local people and communities are represented. 

In the contest for the Dudley constituency, two candidates received the same number of votes. As per the Trust constitution, the result was determined by drawing lots and the Trust is pleased to welcome David Stenson, Pauline Salmon, Selina Tour and long standing governor Philip Davies who has been re-elected for another term. 

Claire Clews, Shakeel Puri and Tara Hutchinson have been appointed unopposed for Walsall public constituency along with current lead governor - Agnes Wallwork. 

The Trust also welcomes the renewed appointment of Nicola Protheroe-Jones who will now represent Birmingham and the Wider West Midlands. 

With two nominations received for the Sandwell constituency and only one seat available, Andrew Powell who is also a Lived Experience Consultant will represent Sandwell. 

The final announcement is the appointment of the staff constituency, all of whom bring a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience: Dr Bhavana Chawda, Bryony Helm, David Stocks and Dr Usman Khalid. 

For the official declaration of results, please visit: 

Interested in putting yourself forward for nomination in the 2024 elections, or would like the opportunity to vote for your local NHS governors in future? Become a member of the Trust by completing the free online membership form or email